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Our Services

Finding out you are pregnant - especially when it is unexpected - can be overwhelming and confusing. Our office is a safe space for you. We are committed to providing unconditional acceptance of everyone we serve, no matter their choices. 


All our services are free and confidential.

We are not a medical clinic, we do not provide or assist in arranging abortions or other medical services.



We offer free pregnancy tests.

Think you might be pregnant? Visit our office or call now to schedule an appointment to take a free test today.


We're here to listen.

You probably have a lot of questions. Lets work together to get you some answers. 


We provide information on all pregnancy options, pre-natal and parenting education as well as information about community services.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

We're here to support you.

Our office is a safe space for you. We have resources and a friendly staff team who can give you the support you need. 



Lending a Helping Hand

Post Abortion Support

Some women feel relief after an abortion, while others find it a difficult experience to move through. Many women have come to us to discuss their feelings. If you or someone you know may be struggling after an abortion, please get in touch with us.

Hours of Operation:

Monday: 10am - 4pm

Tuesday: 10am - 6pm

Wednesday: 10am - 4pm

Thursday: 10am - 4pm​​​​

(9:30am appointments available by request)​\


Our text service service is available out of hours


Call or Text




The Saskatoon Pregnancy Options and Support Centre provides up to date information on all pregnancy options.

We are not a medical clinic and do not provide or assist in arranging abortions or other medical services.


Registered Charity Number - 865304430 RR0001


©2023 by Saskatoon Pregnancy Options and Support Centre.

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